Got Land?
Do you have land for sale? At, we buy all parcels in nearly every lot size. Whether you have a one-acre lot (or smaller), or a one-hundred-acres of Texas land, we are interested in making you a hassle-free cash offer.
How Are You Selling Your Land?
Are you considering hiring a real estate agent through a brokerage? Check out what the Land Helpers can do for you first. We want to work with you. We’ll provide you with a cash offer and you choose the terms of the closing date.
Your land could provide you with easy access to cash that could be used for other purposes and we are here to help.
Land of All Types and Sizes
Whether you have timberland in Colorado, farmland at the end of a rural county road in Illinois, or a hill country in Arizona, you don’t have to own a corner lot or lake view frontage to get a cash offer.
Different Zoning Types – Different Problems to Solve
We buy land for different property types nationwide, from California to Florida and everywhere in between. Did you buy a buildable acre parcel that you were going to build a dream home or multi-family home site before the interest rate hikes made it untenable? Did you inherit some vacant land? Do you want to liquidate a vacant land parcel that could be lost in a divorce settlement? All very real scenarios where we have helped customers find solutions.
Endless Possibilities for The Right Price
Whether you have a vacant lot in Upstate New York or an untraditional parcel in Mountain View California, our team of professionals works tirelessly to get the right information for you about a property including acreage and sqft of the lot, utilities, zoning in order to provide you with an offer with as little hassle as possible. We cover the closing costs and can offer you cash to pay off liens that may be on the property. This not only makes us unique but it builds a lasting relationship with our partners. So feel free to give us a call at (702) 707-6867 to see how the Land Helpers can help you!